About Me!

(Photo © and taken by EJ Frederiksen,
September 1, 2019)

Hey! I’m EJ! I’m a 30-something woman living in Western Washington State. I’m born and raised in this area and I love the opportunities I’ve been blessed with. I’ve had a passion for writing since I was a child, but only in the past few years have truly sat down to focus on some original fiction.

For as long as I can remember, I’ve wanted to be a writer. When I was a kid, I’d staple stacks of paper together and pretend it was my book. As I got older, I’d fill spiral notebooks with stories, and then I dove into the fan fiction world. Here, I knew I couldn’t publish anything to make money, but I could have fun and practice my skills. In fan fiction, I could really stretch out my writing muscles, learn the ups and downs, and get almost immediate feedback on some of my work. This helped me keep going and learn from my mistakes. I’ve also made many amazing friends through this and I’m grateful for each and every one of them in my life! Love you all! (You know who you are!)

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