The Day Before!

(Photo © and taken by EJ Frederiksen)

I can’t believe it’s already Halloween, which means NaNoWriMo 2020 starts tomorrow! I’m nervous because it’s actually here and I don’t know how the month will go, but I’m also excited at knowing by the end of the month, I will be done with the first draft of my novel – even if I have to write more in a day to get there, I will finish!

When I have talked with people in the past about what I’m doing (or the general concept of NaNoWriMo), many are shocked at the month’s word count goal, and what the daily one ends up being, but for me; that’s nothing. I can knock that out pretty quickly and since I’m not completely editing as I go (I do sometimes change a few sentences around so it flows better in my mind), I can usually get close to the daily goal in just a few hours. This happens to me a lot, especially when I have a solid plan going forward, and it definitely helps that I can type 70-80 WPM (or more!)!

So far, I’ve gotten my phone ready for writing while I’m away from home, all my documents are set up in my online storage and my OneNote ‘notebook’ is close by with all my notes from last year’s writing and all the research I’ve done in the past… Now I’m just waiting for November 1st to get here!

I know this weekend isn’t going to go as I first expected. Yesterday (Friday) at work, I was asked to come in today, and I’ve already been working Sundays, so it’s going to be a long weekend. I know it’s only a few hours each day to cover for someone, but the time takes a chunk right out of the middle of the day. I’m trying to stay positive and remind myself that the day will go quicker and I do get paid for working, so those are definitely pluses.

It’s morning here in Washington State, and I woke up earlier to blue skies and sun; a rare sight at this time of year. I think I will go spend some time in nature after work. My true happy place is at the ocean, but since that’s three hours away, I will head to one of my favorite nearby water spots, where I can recharge and clear my head. Self-care and mental health are very important!

I do have a few things to get done before work, so I’ll end this post here, but I’m sure I’ll check back in later today. Hope everyone has an awesome day and a safe Halloween for those who celebrate it!

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