Day 30 – I Won!!!

(Photo © and taken by EJ Frederiksen,
June 11, 2016)

I did it!!! I officially won NaNoWriMo2020!!! I’m a #NaNoWinner2020 and I’m so happy!!!

I knew I was close last night, but tonight I met and exceeded the goal by over 2,500 words! I stopped writing tonight at 11:30pm with 52,602 words! Which brings the grand total of my novel to 110,919 words! I’m still not quite done with it, but keep an eye out on the blog as I continue it over the next few weeks and finish up with the first draft soon!

The official NaNoWinner2020 graphic from that we’re given as ‘swag’ for winning!
Thanks,, for letting us winners use this to celebrate!

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