11/1/2022 – NaNoWriMo #4!

(Photo © and taken by EJ Frederiksen,
October 16, 2022)

Where has the year gone? Wow! So much has happened in the past 12 months, I don’t even know where to start! What I can say is that I’m bummed that this is the first post in a year! I truly meant to update more frequently like I did in 2020, but November 2021 found me struggling a little more to get the words down on the computer or even paper, so blog posts became non-existent.

Thankfully, even with the tough month, I still was able to finish NaNoWriMo 2021 with 51,278 words. I did a little work over the last month to add a little more, so it was at 52,549 at the end of October. This year, I’ll be continuing this project and refreshing some things I added last year. I also have a whole bunch of new ideas I want to add to it, and I’m trying to figure out how this can be turned into a multi-book series, just like I’ll be doing with my previous project/novel.

As for this year’s NaNo, at the end of today, I was able to get a total of 1,934 words written. This hit my first day’s total goal for NaNo and puts the book word count total at 54,483, so I’m on my way to meeting that goal! 50,000 here I come!

In my personal life, I’ve had a lot of changes, but the biggest one is some dreams are coming true! Through some mutual friends, I was able to connect with someone who invited me to be the head of his publishing company. He wanted to help people write and self-publish their books online, and when he found out I already knew the Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing platform and had been doing my own self-publishing of journals and helping friends publish there, he asked me to be the Editor-In-Chief of ELITE 360 Publishing! I said ‘yes’! Our company focuses on coaching people through the writing process and guiding them through the process of self-publishing. We also do websites, too!

I’m super grateful for the opportunity and that I can continue to work in the writing world that I love and do my own on top of helping others bring their stories to the world!

So much to say, but I think I’ll save this for the next post in a few days when I do my next update.

Thanks for sticking around and I’ll talk with you soon!

Happy writing, everyone!

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