10/31/2021 – Here We Go!

(Photo © and taken by EJ Frederiksen,
September 23, 2021)

Here we go! Halloween has arrived, which for us writers, means that National Novel Writer’s Month (NaNoWriMo) begins tomorrow! I’m nervous, but also excited! I know some are surprised to find out that someone can write 50,000 words in a month, but I’m proof that it’s possible; I’ve done it twice, and I’m setting myself up to make it a third time! (Self-talk: I will do this!)

It’s really hard to believe that we’re at the end of October. I think everyone, in some way, says this each year, but man the year sure flew by! It feels like just yesterday, I was ringing in 2021 on Zoom with friends from church, and now we’re about to start November!

Honestly, after my mom passed away in September 2014, the holiday season has not been the same for me and dad. I’d be totally fine skipping over all the major holidays, but I know I can’t, so I’ve made the best out of them, but now that my dad passed away in July, I’ve decided to make new traditions. It’ll hurt not being able to ‘see’ mom and dad, but they are always in my heart and with me wherever I go and in whatever I do.

And my parents are definitely with me as I’m about to begin ‘Novel 2’ since I finished the first draft of ‘Novel 1’ a week ago! This novel is another one I’ve had ideas for and did some research, took some notes, created characters, etc., in my head and in a document, but never truly sat down to write it.

Since Sunday, I’ve been tackling my notes. Trying to clear out some cobwebs, update some characters’ names, narrow down some other ideas, and prepare for November. I know I can’t have everything laid out, and I don’t want to. I want to ‘go with the flow’ as it’s said, to see where the novel goes. And I know, after witnessing it with my NaNoWriMo 2019 & 2020, that ideas and thoughts will shift as I write, so thankfully this is the first draft, LOL!

As with last year, my plan is to update at least my word count to the right of the screen every few days, and check-in at major milestones or as I have a thought come to me. But to make this official, as of today, I have not written anything yet. It’s just a mix of notes and ideas that I hope I can pull together into a novel; or at least 50,000 words of one!

And with that, I sign off, wishing all my fellow writers good luck on this adventure! For those doubting it’s possible, either those who want to start writing and are unsure or are worried you won’t succeed, take it from me – you can do this! It is possible!

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